About Me
I would like to make art all my life! I like to write poems and stories, to describe my mood and feelings. Also, I like to talk on different topics in front of the camera, I create different videos and pour them on YouTube (here's my channel https://www.youtube.com/user/JoeAvak/videos).
I like to communicate with people who bring "art" to this world!
I would like to live where people are good, honest and creative.
My parents often reproached me that acting - it's just a hobby and nothing else, that anyone can ape for the camera, but I like to do it, I like to show people what I feel!
I love art, I love when I'm getting inspired by anything, I love to watch the creative people, their movements and gestures.
I often went to different casting studios in which people are only interested in money, and no art was not even close!
I would like to work in a film where I can transform myself and show myself what I can do.
I would like to do what I've always wanted to do ... art!
I love create: stories, poems, music, videos.
I just like playing on a stage in front of the audience.
Here's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoeAvak/videos